Welcome to the ag-Grid Enterprise Support Forum. We have designed it to deliver the quickest and most efficient support possible.
We want to improve our product and our documentation based on your feedback, so if the support service you are receiving is not to the standard required, please raise this with your Account Manager. For any other questions - please email info@ag-grid.com
What are your responsibilities?
In order to speed up the support process, when submitting a question please provide all the below:
- Framework you're using (Angular, React, Vue, JavaScript)
- ag-Grid version
- An example of the issue in a Plunker or a series of steps to follow using our documentation examples. You can use our documentation examples as a starting point - just fork them in Plunker and add your code to illustrate the behavior.
- A clear description of ACTUAL and EXPECTED behavior
Note: We work with samples in Plunker, as we can't run repositories or troubleshoot your code.
What is Supported?
- We provide support for ag-Grid and ag-Grid Enterprise and the associated framework components such as ag-Grid Angular and ag-Grid React
- Examples in our documentation pages
- We support versions of ag-Grid released in the last 12 months
What is not Supported?
We don't have the capacity to support the items below. Instead, where possible, we will give advice on a best-effort basis.
- Framework specific questions - we suggest that you check their documentation pages
- Third party library specific questions
- Questions relating to your application
What Outcome can I expect?
We will answer your questions on how to implement functionality when using ag-Grid. Whenever a product change is required to implement the functionality you requested, we will consider it for adding to the product backlog. You can track the progress on the item you submitted on the Product pipeline page.
Here are the types of items we submit in our product backlog:
If you report a bug with ag-Grid, we will add it to the product backlog and provide the reference so that you can track the issue to release. We will update you through the Zendesk ticket as we progress.
Feature Requests
We welcome Feature Requests from our users. These requests are balanced with ongoing product development and are added to the product backlog. We prioritise these features based on popularity and relevance to our entire user base along with our product vision.
Documentation Improvements
When you raise a topic that could be better explained in our documentation, we will describe the solution in the ticket for you and add a ticket in our product backlog to improve that documentation page.
Hours of Operation and SLA
We offer support services on UK working days between 9:00AM and 5.30PM BST. We will respond to your ticket within 24 hours within this timeframe. You can find a calendar of UK working days here.
Fair Usage Policy
We request that each user is limited to 10 requests in the support forum. If you are having issues above and beyond this, please contact your Account Manager to discuss a plan for resolving the broader issue.
Our mission is to provide the best data grid in the world - we want you to be part of this so please leave feedback below or email us directly.
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