In your interaction with support, sometimes a change in ag-Grid is needed to implement your requirements. In that case we'll give you a work item number for a bug/feature request or a documentation change item to track this product change request.
If you get such a work item number, there are two places where you can search for it:
Upcoming Work - Pipeline
You can see our product backlog and items we're working on on our pipeline page. It allows you to see the categorization according to issue type:
Pipeline Tabs
Next Release. Items in this tab are planned to be delivered in the next release. The next release date should be announced as well on the top of the pipeline page. Items from the next 5 sections are moved into this tab as they are pulled for the next release.
Bugs. Not yet planned for any release. The bugs listed here are our top priority when looking at our backlog of work for an upcoming release. They are usually fixed within 1 to 2 releases after they are reported.
Standard Feature Request. Not yet planned for any release. These are feature requests that because they are simple and isolated, we track them independently. They are usually fixed within 2 to 4 releases after they have been raised.
Complex Feature Request. Not yet planned for any release. These are complex feature requests. They are grouped in epics, and are implemented as part of the work for the associated epic as opposite to standard feature requests which are implemented individually. There is no fixed timeline to implement these items.
Doc changes. Not yet planned for any release. Similar to standard feature requests, but these tickets refer particularly to changes to be done in the documentation
Parked Items. Not to be considered for any release. Items that we raise because we recognise their nature, but which also, because of complexity/value are not in the radar for any new releases.
Pipeline Release ETA
In the previous section, you can find information about the expectations to be had about when the tickets can be delivered based on their nature, but we also provide for some tickets with specific release ETAs.
Release ETAs indicate when to expect a particular feature to be delivered in terms of next releases, and they are expressed on the form of +x, where x is the number of releases after the current one where you can expect to have this ticket released.
We try to do one release at the end of each month.
Pipeline Changes
We can't guarantee:
- The timelines mentioned above
- That the nature of a ticket is not going change over time (ie from standard feature request to complex feature request).
- That everything raised will get successfully fixed
In any case we will let you know if there is any unexpected change to your ticket.
We do try our best though to deliver consistently and meet the expectations mentioned. If you have concerns about a particular ticket, please follow up through the usual support channel
Already Delivered. Changelog
This list contains all the tickets that we have closed successfully over time.
I submitted a support request. The initial response I received indicated a ticket ID in it. Later, I received an email saying there is a new comment in my ticket. I have no idea how to find my ticket. In the first email, there was a link titled "Where Is My Ticket" which brought me here. I followed the two links here hoping to find my ticket. No luck. How difficult is it to put a link directly to the ticket in the email?
I have the same question.
Any ETA on AG-3223? or any workaround for the filters which supports accessibility too?
Is there a way to vote for a certain feature?
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