Your AG Grid license key should have been emailed to you by our sales team following your purchase. You'll need to set the AG Grid license key in your code to use AG Grid Enterprise functionality, or you'll be getting a watermark over AG Grid, and errors in the developer console.
AG Grid License Key Format
Your ag-Grid license key looks like either of the three license keys (this is just a format difference):
- Evaluation_License_Valid_Until__28_July_2018__MTUzMjczMjQwMDAwMA==724088889d778209cb3c031af9a39e88
- CompanyName=EvaluationKey,LicensedGroup=Multi,LicenseType=MultipleApplications,LicensedConcurrentDeveloperCount=1,LicensedProductionInstancesCount=0,AssetReference=AG-0,ExpiryDate=4_February_2020_[v2]_MTYxMjM5NjgwMDAwMA==724088889d778209cb3c031af9a39e88
- Using_this_{AG_Grid}_Enterprise_key_{AG-XXXXX}_in_excess_of_the_licence_granted_is_not_permitted___Please_report_misuse_to_legal@ag-grid.com___For_help_with_changing_this_key_please_contact_info@ag-grid.com___{XXXX}_is_granted_a_{XXXX}_Developer_License_for_the_application_{XXXX}_only_for_{X}_Front-End_JavaScript_developers___All_Front-End_JavaScript_developers_working_on_{X}_need_to_be_licensed___{X}_has_been_granted_a_Deployment_License_Add-on_for_{X}_Production_Environment___This_key_works_with_{X}_Enterprise_versions_released_before_{X}____[v3]_[01]_MTczNDkxMjAwMDAwMA==8b627a42f53c58671bbb416b90773990
Setting the license key
Please follow the steps on how to set the license key according to the framework you're using here:
You can also see complete examples here:
The AG Grid license key needs to be entered into the setLicenseKey API method as-is without any additional spaces or other characters.
Here's an example of this using the sample license key above. Note the entire license key string is used in this method without any new lines, or other modifications:
When you set the ag-Grid license key correctly as described above, that will remove the watermark displayed over ag-Grid and no console messages will be displayed.
AG Grid License key Errors
If the license key isn't set correctly and you're getting the watermark, please open the developer console and take a look at the error messages. Please read below how to resolve each of these.
How to resolve error "License Key not Found"
If you're setting the ag-Grid license key but you're getting an console error message saying License Key Not Found, the LicenseManager isn't loaded correctly.
In order to resolve this, fine the relevant sample in the link below based on your framework and use the same approach in your codebase:
How to resolve error "Invalid License key"
If you're setting your ag-Grid license key but getting an Invalid license key error message in the browser console, please ensure you're entering the AG Grid license key exactly as emailed to you by our sales team, without adding any space or new line characters.
You can validate your AG Grid license key using the sample here:
If your license key still doesn't validate correctly on this validator and you're getting the same error, this might be due to special characters or accents/umlaut characters in the license key.
Special Characters
If your ag-Grid license key contains special characters such as: */
it may not validate correctly. If that's the case, please contact our sales team at stating this, and we will issue a new AG Grid license key for you.
Accents and Umlaut Characters
If you are using version 23, AG Grid license keys with accented characters or umlauts will also not validate correctly. This issue will be fixed in our future versions, but in the meantime please contact our sales team at stating this for a new license key to be generated.
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