This example shows how a cell-renderers can be used in a way to allow users to edit multiple rows and values at once.
This functionality works by using cell-renderers instead of of editors, by providing each renderer with a `editingModeEnabled` flag to consume, the renderer can either show the cell's value or an input where changes can be made:
class GenericEditorAsRenderer { init(params) { this.shouldBeEditing = params.shouldBeEditing; this.valueSpan = document.createElement('span'); this.valueSpan.innerText = params.value; this.inputField = document.createElement('input'); this.inputField.value = params.value; this.inputField.onchange = () => params.setValue(this.inputField.value); } getGui() { return this.shouldBeEditing() ? this.inputField : this.valueSpan; } refresh(params) { return false; } }
note that 'shouldBeEditing' is a function provided through the cellRendererParams:
cellRenderer: GenericEditorAsRenderer, cellRendererParams: { shouldBeEditing: () => editingModeEnabled, },
It is provided as a function so upon a redraw the value is refreshed.
let editingModeEnabled = false; function toggleEdits() { editingModeEnabled = !editingModeEnabled; gridOptions.api.redrawRows(); }
Other Versions:
The following feature request should alleviate the need for this work around:
AG-1195 | Allow editing in many rows at once, and let edit mode be turned on by default. Likely to be a callback |
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